Situated where Europe, Asia and Africa converge, Jordan has many investor-friendly features, not least its unique geographic location as a hub in the Middle East. Politically, the country is stable and democratically free, with a firm commitment to private enterprise. Economic policies are based on an outward-oriented, private-sector-led approach that is resulting in the ongoing privatisation of major state-owned enterprises and significant advances in structural and legal reform.

The government offers a package of incentives and exemptions to encourage investment, including tax and custom duty exemptions on certain projects and inputs. Jordan has also negotiated preferential access to the US and EU, as well as many Arab countries through the Arab Free Trade Agreement. Bilateral agreements and favourable protocols exist with more than 20 countries

Jordan has a large, highly educated workforce, with a competitive level of wages. It possesses world-class infrastructure and communications, with excellent port and road networks to serve the region. A good quality of life is attainable, with the amenities of modern life readily available and affordable. High quality public and private education is provided in Arabic, English and French; health services are of international standards at reasonable rates; and there is a well-developed networking community of local and international business associations.

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