South Korea is positioning itself to lead the development of North East Asia in the 21st century as a dynamic international logistics and financial hub. It is endowed with highly creative and well-educated citizens and a state-of-the-art information infrastructure. Outstanding air, land and sea transportation capabilities are on show at Incheon International Airport and Busan and Gwangyang ports. There are also plans for a high-speed railway system.

Almost half the Fortune Global 500 companies have established operations in Korea or have invested in domestic companies. Major multinational corporations recognise the country as an ideal destination for their production, logistics and R&D bases. The IT and electronics, semi-conductor, LCD and mobile phone sectors are all world powerhouses. The growing automobile and parts supply business is also flourishing as Korea establishes itself as the fifth largest manufacturer of autos worldwide and the second largest vehicle market in Asia.

Since the Asian financial crisis in 1997, the financial services sector has undergone far-reaching restructuring and consolidation. Other exciting business opportunities are developing rapidly in biotechnology, environmental services and real estate development.

The government of President Roh Moo-Hyun has been dubbed the “Participatory Government” and is committed to attracting foreign investors.

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